Sunday, December 30, 2012


With Christmas over and the new year looming, we've reached a quiet time in the year. The "busyness" of the the holidays is over, and yet it doesn't feel right to start something new before January. My heart is full - dealing with the problems of the past year and feeling hopeful about the year to come. It's a time for self-assessment; how can you move ahead if you don't recognize where you're coming from?

From where I sit at this moment, I am grateful for the blessings that fill my life:

  • Family - those under our roof and those in my heart. Those who live far away and reach out when they can. Those who are "family" through affection and care. Those who do more than their share to make sure we're okay.
  • Friends - Our circle of friends might not be large, but it's full of loving, thoughtful people. Each person has a special place. Each person I count as friend has a core of goodness, kindness and integrity that I treasure.
  • Pets - too many of them and all of them (even Rocky the fish) dear to our hearts.
  • Work - too much, too little, all necessary. Work gives my life structure and also good friends. I'm lucky to have found something to do that really makes me happy.
  • Home and neighbors - Not many people I know are blessed with a neighborhood like ours. We're lucky to have found them. Our house might be a collection of unfinished projects, but it suits us perfectly.
  • Winter rain - I'm loving this winter season. No torrents yet, just steady rain every couple of days. I'm sure it will clear for the Rose Parade, but I hope it doesn't go away for long.
  • Books - They're more restful than tv and there are so many of them. I love handling them, cleaning them, repairing them and even reading them. I seldom talk about books, and that may be something I'll try to change in the next year. Book club, anyone?
  • Knitting - It may sound silly, but it's been giving me a lot of pleasure. Knitting calms my mind and makes me feel like I'm doing something useful. I feel creative and I feel part of a larger community without ever leaving my house.

This outline is the shape of my life. I'm happy with it. I hope the year ahead is full of improvements, but what I have right now is a pretty good starting point. Happy New Year, all!

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