Thursday, July 9, 2009

Three Alarm Thursday

So another peaceful day at the library. Not. We had a balloon program this morning, meaning hundreds of kids and moms (maybe a slight exaggeration). We had summer reading, meanind more kids and moms. And then we had a construction worker who cut into the wires for the fire alarm. Alarm goes off. We evacuate people. We try to figure out why the fire department isn't there (we do already know there's no fire). We try to figure out how to turn the alarm off. I talk to the alarm company, who won't tell me how to do anything because I don't have the password (which turns out to be "Clemente"). And then thankfully it turns itself off. This was all in the first hour of the morning. Got us all moving and laughing. It happened twice more, but the construction worker ran in and got it turned off before we could get there.

People are so strange, though. It just wasn't real to most of them. I don't understand the elderly couple who come in every morning and race everyone else to the newspapers so they can read them first and don't think they need to leave the building when the alarm is blaring. I don't understand people who don't want to leave their computer sessions just because the alarm is blaring. They all didn't know there wasn't a fire. Oh, well. Made the day interesting.

Nothing else really going on. James had his tonsils and adenoids removed today, also his ears drained, I think. Jennie says he's whiny, but okay. Wants real food and is cuddling with his dad. Hope you all had a good day.

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