Monday, October 12, 2009

Family Dinner

Tonight was one of those nights that will be a watershed night for us - we had a family dinner. No filling plates at the counter and sitting down piecemeal to eat. The table was set. The food was placed on the table. Everyone was served and we all finished at the same time. Not a big deal, you say? Well, it is in this house. We've been hoping for it. We've been working toward it. We've had to argue with Rosanne who thinks the whole thing is too much trouble. We did it. And we had a nice dinner. And the kids ate; Christian even had seconds. I had to make sure I would remember this moment in years to come. Just in case it was because of the food, I'll include the link (Denny will want it). So celebrate with us; we're almost a normal family!

P.S. I don't know that this is the world's best lasagna; it's not Mom's. But it's easy and it's good.


  1. Thanks for the recipes! And, btw, nice pic, too.. lol. Did you take any pictures of the family at the table? You could make a memory scrapbook. :)) Miss ya..

  2. Hi Kathy, just wanted say thank you for coming up and visiting. The lasagna sounds good, but there isn't anything you cook that isn't good.( I might even try the pineapple hamburger thing)

  3. I really had a good time too. Maybe it won't be too long til we're back.
