Sunday, October 18, 2009

Is It Fall Yet?

The Halloween decorations are up. There are pumpkins everywhere. We're watching baseball playoffs. This all says it must be fall.

So why is it still so hot? I want to wear cardigans and clothes with sleeves to work. I want it to be cold at night. I guess at the moment I just want to live in Washington or Ohio!!


  1. The changes in the seasons is really refreshing Kathy. The winters though get a little long! I hope to see some spectacular scenery tomorrow as I am going for a bike ride. I will try to remember my camera and send a pic of the fall colors! We may be past our peak here. I understand how you feel, I love fall!

  2. We'll all enjoy that! Be careful.

  3. I'm like you Kathy. I love the fall also. The leaves are starting to turn here and there is a nip in the air. We're luckier than Scott as we don't get as much snow but I think we complain more.....
