Monday, March 16, 2009


Do you see this really scary pile? This is the reason why I should not be blogging, I should not be knitting, I should not be watching television. This is my "To Be Read" pile and I should not be doing anything except reading. The really scary part is that these are all library books and I've gotten myself in an even bigger mess than usual. Included in the pile are The President's House by Margaret Truman; Coventry by Helen Humphreys; The Spirit of Dr. Bindelof by Rosemarie Pilkington; All the Colors of Darkness by Peter Robinson. Scott and Mike, I really think you'd like the last two. Anyway, thought I'd share.


  1. Yea, yea.. I said that in January, I feel sooo ashamed.. lol. I love reading your blog, Kathy. I keep writing but I keep erasing. Anyway, I read what the "Longs and Rogers" write and I feel closer to you all. Hope to meet you all one day. Denny

  2. So stop erasing and become part of the conversation. BTW, don't bother with "The Spirit of Dr. Bindelof" unless you're interested in the history of spiritualism. Pretty dry. But "All the Colors of Darkness" is great. And I suspect Mike has a lot more to say if you can just prod him into it. lol
