Tuesday, March 3, 2009

This & That

There've been no grand ideas for blogging - not much going on in my head that anyone would want to read. I'm not reading as much as usual, knitting has kind of hit a rut, life seems a little dull. I've been thinking I need a few changes - a new hobby, a class, I don't know what yet. We spent the evening sharing wine and "whine" (kid problems are universal) with some neighbors and I realized just how insulated we keep ourselves here. Not a healthy thing, I think, so I'll have to think on it. Today I started a Facebook Page - will it be fun?

It's been great having Scott here to visit. We've shared laughter and tears and I hope it's been as healing for him as it has been for me. Beck will be part of our lives forever and we won't stop missing her. Jim found a picture of her today that I hadn't seen before.

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