Monday, April 27, 2009

Doldrums, The Reader

Okay, guys; I've hit a rough spot here. Nothing drastic, nothing unusual, I just can't seem to get out of my rut. And I like writing on here. So ask me a question, give me a nudge. Help me out please.

Stayed up last night to watch "The Reader." Seems like there's been a run of holocaust movies lately, most of which I haven't watched. (I'm probably overstating, but there was at least ONE more.) Has anyone else seen this one? There were a couple of character issues I didn't get and would like explained. Consider it a challenge.


  1. Kathy I haven't seen that one yet. Is it on DVD yet? Are you thinking of the wonderful story with the happy ending "The boy in the striped pajamas" If it's on DVD I'll put it in my Que!

  2. We haven't seen it nut am sure we will. Yes there has been quit a few movies about the holocost. Maybe becuase people feel it should never be forgotten.

  3. It came out on dvd recently and I got it through Netflix. And Scott, don't all holocaust stories have a happy ending? I went on line to look at some book reviews, which made the movie make more sense. The issue seems to be about how education/literacy may have affected how people viewed what was going on. The character's response to what she did was essentially, what else could she do but do her job, which was not to help the prisoners. I won't say more until you've seen it.

  4. I put it at the top of my netflix! My 3 movies a day is coming to an end soon! I hope
