Friday, January 9, 2009


The sad events of the last month+ have caused me to think a lot about my family. Particularly about the family into which I was born. Particularly about the brothers with which I was blessed (or cursed). The three of us experienced various degrees of closeness while we grew up. Poor Scott came along seven years after Mike and I had "bonded," and we didn't make it easy for him to catch up. We have created and shared family jokes. I think we all have a fondness for old family traditions. Mike and Scott share a passion for music and a talent for playing it. Scott has become the family storyteller, and he does it with such wit and accuracy that the rest of us can never argue about how it really was. I fear that I am the "manager" in the crowd, always the bossy big sister.

Now we have now been scattered nearly across the United States, so our times together are few and far between. We exchange weekly e-mails to let each other know what's going on. We exchange cards at birthdays and presents at Christmas. Four years ago we shared (along with our mom and spouses) a magical vacation. And now we share sorrow at the loss of Scott's beloved.

When times have been tough in my own household, both brothers have called or emailed to give me a chance to share. They both start their phone calls the same way: Hey, Kath. How's it going? And they really want to know.

Scott, we love you and will be here to shoulder whatever we can.

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