Monday, January 5, 2009


I wish my digital camera was working, because I'd love to include a picture of our fountain this morning. The water in the bottom basin had frozen into a little icy pond and there were icicles hanging from the upper bowl. Here in Southern California. It was enough of an event that Jim called me out of bed to see it. The temperature in the backyard (according to John Deere) was 23 degrees at 7:30 a.m.

It was back to work today. Mother has gone to Ohio to be with my brother. Her email says my sister-in-law might be slightly better. We'll just keep praying.

With my Christmas knitting completed, I've started a baby sweater done in a basketweave pattern (a free pattern from the Internet). I'm using a bright yellow yarn from the stash my mother passed on to me. It's a Bernat yarn from many years ago. It's acrylic, but it's soft, pretty and free. I still have the sleeves to finish on my Minimalist Cardigan, but they're about a third of the way done. I'm knitting them both at the same time with the hope that I'll feel like I'm making quicker progress.

Finished both of my current books and am starting I'm Looking Through You by Jennifer Boylan. Death Walked In was okay, but it seemed to drag to its conclusion. I slipped in another book, Knitting, without even listing it. I liked the way the characters interacted in that one, but there were a couple of points I wanted straightened out: who was the hospital cleaner and who took Maggie's bags? Oh, well.


  1. Here in Clonmel it was a cold morning. There was 1/2 inch of ice on the duck pond in the garden. about -3 at 9am.

  2. Ethel - I always have to stop and think to convert those temperatures to Celsius. Cold no matter how you measure it.

    We were in Clonmel in February, two years ago. We had been there once before to see a transport museum, but it wasn't there on our last visit. You live in a lovely part of Ireland.
